Coconut Creek Little League takes the Safety of the players charged to our care very seriously. It is our #1 priority to prevent injuries and protect your children. After submitting to a thorough Background Check designed to protect your children from undesirable influences, all Managers must attend a mandatory Safety Clinic before the start of the season and receive a safety manual that they are required to read and abide by.
You can rest assured that your children's safety is a top priority for our league. If you have any questions please contact league's Safety Officer at: [email protected].
Little League A.S.A.P.
What is It? In 1995, the Little League ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program) was introduced with the goal of re-emphasizing the position of Safety Officer "to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League Baseball". This manual is offered as a tool to place some important information at manager’s and coach’s finger tips.
Coconut Creek Little League updates it's ASAP procedures yearly and submits to Little League International for approval. All Managers are given copies of our ASAP plan and are expected to adhere to these guidelines.
>>CLICK HERE<< to view our league's current ASAP Safety Manual.